Becoming a Practitioner

If you’d like to help others learn how to use their Human Tools then when not become a Human Toolbox Practitioner.

Becoming an Practitioner entitles you to use the Human Toolbox Programme as part of your wellbeing or therapeutic practice in a 1:1 or small group environment. Completing and graduating from our 3-day Practitioner Training Course will give you everything you need including slideshows, resources, worksheets and activities.

If you meet our criteria then you can book on to our next public practitioner course on Eventbright.

If you’d like to join our ‘Bodd Squad’ and use the Human Toolbox Programme commercially then you will need to become a Licensed Practitioner.

Becoming Licensed entitles you to advertise in our Human Toolbox Practitioner Directory, and join our active Human Toolbox Licensed Practitioner Membership.

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